Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Placement Coming Tomorrow!

Paul just heard from his JET coordinator who informed all of the Colorado JETS that she has just received their placement information, and she will send them all emails by close of business tomorrow! I'm extremely anxious now and I know that tomorrow will be a very long day.

After we know his placement, we will look at the location and see if it's acceptable to us. The best case scenario would be if Paul were placed on Kyushu, which is the south island, for many reasons. One-there's no ambiguity as to whether we feel Kyushu is safe, Two-Uncle Brian was born on Kyushu (Okinawa) and it would give us more leverage to get him as a visitor, and Three-it's so nice and warm there! The ONLY drawback is that it might be buggy...well and it's kind of far away from Tokyo. However, Kyushu has a lot of great cities and beautiful buildings and spiritual sites, so my fingers are crossed.

You will be seeing another post from me very, very soon!

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